Thursday, April 21, 2011

Survive Chaos: Check!

 This last month has been totally ridiculous and overwhelming. :)  After tomorrow, I'll have had six kiddie music performances in the last week and a half.  We've had things all weekend for the last five weeks, and had (on average) only one night/week without something scheduled for the last month.  I wish I had taken pictures of our house....or my car...or my closet....or especially our kitchen, but I don't think I would have had the courage to post them!  You'll have to just take my word for it - our lives were CHAOS!

Even though we have a mini performance tomorrow, I really would say that this last Tuesday was the end of the "crazy".  Last night I recovered, and this morning I was feeling pretty carefree! Until... 

At lunch my principal reminded me that I needed to give back the high school key I had borrowed for our concerts.  Yeah, sure, no problem!  Oh wait - I had NO IDEA where the key was!  Now, I'm pretty notorious for misplacing things and have learned to just let it go and find things when I find them.  However, losing a key to the high school during the first year of a new job is NOT the way to win people over.  Enter: Panic Attack.

I looked all over my elementary room during my free minutes for the rest of the day - nothing.  I broke my sugar fast at a gas station on the way home and only came up with a stomach ache.  I looked under every car seat and in every nook and cranny of my purse - nothing.  More panic.

Chris was awesome (as always!) and agreed to go to my elementary room to help me look for it.  And thankfully, after 20 minutes of searching every nook and cranny, we found the key at the bottom of a bin full of egg shakers.  EGG SHAKERS!  Sometimes I wish I could trade my mind in for a better model!  One that doesn't put keys in the egg shaker bin.  

And at that moment, I became officially stress free. :)  I am now re-entering the world of the living, the world of blogging and goal-getting and working-out and being social.  
Anyone wanna hang?!?!

Peace ya'all!


Rachel Farley said...

So proud of you!!

I think you need a night on your couch with a blanket and t.v. or a book :)

So glad that you found the key! My goodness, loosing stuff is awful. I liked reading about it though, it was funny :) Just glad that you found it!

Excited to see you soon! Love you!

Amy LaVonne said...

I LOVE YOU!!!! And this made me laugh... a lot. I am so glad that you are so stress free now. WAHOOOOOOOOOO.

The Paine Family said...

Ha, ha- you are such a funny writer! Wow, that is wild (: Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog and say "hi" even amongst your insanity!

Kelli B said...

I'm glad you're surviving!! I hope that as things slow down you find rest and rejuvenation.

No worries about the shower - or the gift! you are so sweet though. Hope we can see each other sometime in the near future, perhaps w/ baby in tow :)

Maria Lovin said...

Yay! Your concerts look/sound amazing, I was wondering if you were still alive or not but I'm glad you're "back". Does that mean we can get Panera's soon? :)

Unknown said...

One year I hid Jeremy's birthday present. Apparently, I rock at hiding things. Even I could not remember where I'd hidden it. I found it two years later. Guess what he got for his birthday that year? So glad that isn't how your missings keys story ended!