Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Please pray...

I guess this is a request for prayer...tomorrow Chris and I head up to Mayo in Rochester, MN to meet with a surgeon about this cyst. I'm not nervous, but I would like prayer that God will lead us in making decisions, and make our path very obvious.

The only reason I'm tempted to get nervous is because this could have possible ramifications on whether or not we go to India. We're both still full in emotionally, but don't want to go if my health could be hurt by us being there. Mesenteric cysts are extremely rare, and of those rare cases, it's rare for them to recur....so I'm praying for a doctor that has seen cases like this multiple times, will know exactly what needs to be done, and we'll take care of it...get in, get out, get done! Maybe I'll go in for surgery right away...ahh, to wish!

So, that's that. I'll fill you in when I know more. :)

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