Friday, September 10, 2010

A Wonderful Weekend


Last weekend wasWONDERFUL.  We decided that we definitely needed a Stellmaker family vacation, so we took the three-day weekend and headed up to Minnesota!

My dad is (and always has been) a CRAZY big Minnesota Twins fan.  They don't get cable at their house, so he gets on the twins website and keeps refreshing their page so he can know what happens every play....he's pretty hard core!  So...when we found out we could go to a Twin's game, there wasn't even a second thought.  To make the night even better - it was the 50th anniversary of the Twins, at which they honored the top 50 players....and 37 of them could come!  These were dad's heroes as a child, and he definitely had some "little boy giddiness" moments!

We spent Friday night in a hotel (thanks mom and dad!), and then Chris and I left early to visit the Endo's at their home!  It worked out perfectly...we were only about 15 minutes away, and it was GREAT to see them!  The Endo's are a family that we worked with at Woodstock.  We love the whole family to death...just really great people. :)  THANK YOU for blessing us, Endo's!


Lily, Ella and Mo didn't want us to go, so they grabbed their car seats and decided they were going with us!  This is definitely our car, and if Angie hadn't put her foot down we would have added a few kids to the Farley family!

And then, wedding dress shopping we went!  It was SO much fun to spend time watching Amy be BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL.  She's seriously going to be the most stunning bride I've ever seen.  I didn't want to spoil the surprise though, so I thought I'd just post the picture of her looking overwhelmed in her ridiculously small dressing room. :)


And finally, we headed up north to my aunt and uncle's cabin.  It's right on Lake Minnewawa, and is really secluded.  And - we had a PARTY!  Uncle Mark, Aunt Connie, Tara (cousin), Nick (her husband), Tyler and Siena (her two kids!), Papa, Uncle Doug, Aunt Sue, and the 6 Stellmaker/Farley's.  WHOA FUN!  It was seriously tons of fun...except that it was really cold (frost on the ground!) and we went camping. 


Rachel Farley said...

I would have taken the kiddos too :) I remember them from your class and them being my favorite!

You guys all look great in your twins shirts! So much fun!!

Amy is going to be a stunning bride. Let's stand up there being jealous :)

Chris looks cute with a baby.

I think that I would try camping again.


The Paine Family said...

YAY!! What a fun weekend!! I love to imagine Uncle Brad giddy, makes me happy (:
How cute with their car seats. It's nice that you guys are close, well sort of! The cabin looked so fun, wish I could have been there (I wouldn't have even complained about the frost!)

MussoorieSteve said...

And what state was that in?!?! MINNESOOOOOOOOOOOOOTA!!!!!! HECK YES TO THE BEST STATE EVER!!!!!:) I'll see you guys in 3 MONTHS AND 6 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Amy LaVonne said...

This was quite the weekend! Way to blog it up... I think my favorite part was dad's fun!

Amy LaVonne said...

This was quite the weekend! Way to blog it up... I think my favorite part was dad's fun!