Thursday, September 01, 2011

It's Official...

We are OFFICIALLY licensed foster parents as of today!  Now we're just waiting for "the call"...duh-duh-duh!  There probably won't be more to come later, since we can't really talk about the kids we'll get, but I'll tell what I can.  :)

Happy September and Happy LONG WEEKEND!


Erika said...

YAY!!!!!! That's awesome!!!!!

Kelli B said...

YES!!! I love this. LOVE it.

I'm so thankful for people like you guys :)

k said...

woo!! you are awesome.

Maria Lovin said...


Matt and Amy Farley said...
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Matt and Amy Farley said...

Pretty awesome timing!!! I'm so excited for this... it will be so cool!

Amanda Seibert said...

ahhhhh! i am SO excited for you guys!!!!!!
and i also really enjoyed your thoughts on fear/relationships. thanks again for sharing your heart. we all benefit.
wish we were closer for a coffee date... or chai. :-)