Traditionally, I guess the Christmas Chapel hasn't been anything special at Woodstock. Just a time to sing Christmas songs and hear a message, then go home. This year one of the new staff decided within the first month that he wanted to "take on the challenge", and put together a Nine Lessons and Carols Program. Last weekend we saw the results, and it was so neat!
Quad Presentations
Every year, each elementary grade puts on a Christmas presentation/play during the last week. So, every morning this week the entire Quad School (ECP-8th Grade) has gathered together in the Quad (main area of the school) to watch the various presentations. Monday - ECP/KG, Tuesday - Gr. 1/2/3, Wednesday - Gr. 4a, Thursday - Gr. 4b, Friday - Gr. 5. They were all SO good and really entertaining! They also all included music, so I got to be involved in 3 of them, helping with the singing/accompanying. VERY impressive! Here are some pictures from the ECP/KG (they did the "Elves and the Shoemaker")...Check out the Endo's blog for more ADORABLE pictures/video!
Friendship Club Christmas Party
This semester I've been helping to lead Friendship Club, which is a Christian Club for the elementary students. We do scripture memory, have music, story, and a craft every week. It's been a lot of fun, and yesterday we had our Christmas Party! Here are some of my favorite pictures. :)
We did the "stomp the balloon" game, where you tie a balloon to your ankle and then try to pop everyone else's balloons by stomping on them. Guess who was the first one out? (yep...I was too busy taking pictures!)
Carlos was trying to avoid the action by sitting on the side. It worked until the 4th grade teacher decided to stomp his balloon in the air. :)
This is the son of one of the helpers...he decided to pose for me. :) This is one of MANY different poses!
so fun... You are so creative and i can totally tell that your kids LOVE you so much!
Can't wait to see you guys!!
Rach and Bri
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