Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Real Life Here

I feel like I've gained a good understanding this week of what our lives are going to look like here: CRAZY. Because this is a boarding school, we become everything to these kids. Teacher, coach, mentor, friend, parent, aunt, sister, grandma...literally everything. And because there are a limited number of staff members with no real source of community to draw on for the "extras", people get recruited to do just about anything. For example...

- We have a friend who was hired as a dorm parent. However, today he interviewed (and I think got!) a job as the school counselor. And, he teaches drama class.

- Another friend came as dorm parent, and was soon asked to teach a class on Religion. Never taken an education class in her life!

- A man came to school with us this year as a volunteer, and three days after he arrived was asked to step in as "Head of High School" (which is the principal.) Hmm...

- I'm currently an elementary/middle school music teacher, varsity cross country coach, Model United Nations advisor, and Friendship Club coordinator. Can we say COMPLETELY unrelated?!

I guess I'm going to struggle with balance (ooh, big surprise for those of you who know me!). Interestingly enough, though, I'm not necessarily jumping into these commitments...most of the time commitments we'll have are things required of us. Hopefully we'll settle into a good schedule pretty soon, but right now I feel torn all the time.

When do I carve out time to spend with just Chris? How do I cultivate the new relationships I'm making here? When in the WORLD do I find time to communicate and invest in my relationships at home?!

And then there's the fact that we're living in India, and all I want to do is EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING! I want to go hiking every weekend...I want to learn photography so I can take sweet pictures...I want to travel like crazy...I want to experience God fully in this crazy diverse religious environment...I want to delve into the relationships here and make the most of our time. So many things, and so little time!

My consoling thought is, "If I ever actually achieved balance, I'd be really bored!" It's like the ever-elusive "To-Do List"...what would happen if we actually got it all done?!

*I'm looking for some bible verses that will stretch and challenge my faith...suggestions? What's spoken to your hearts lately?

**I might get to go to Bangkok for an external MUN Conference! Pretty sweet...


Joanna Kay said...

Two verses came to my mind immediately:
"He who works his land will have abundant food; but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement"
Pvbs. 12:11
I like this verse cause it reminds me to stay in the here and now when I so badly want to daydream about the future. :) It's good to remember that you are in India for only a year (as far you know) and this year will FLY by. I promise. You'll be packing your bags telling Chris, "Weren't we just packing them to get here?" It will seriously fly by.
Cultivate deep relationships with people there because God has you there for a season and for what purpose, you may not know yet.
The 2nd verse I thought of was:
psalm 37:3 Trust in God, dwell in the land He has you and you will enjoy safe pastures. (cultivate faithfulness)
You and Chris are going to have homesickness and days where you HATE India (and may already have had them) but God has you there for a reason.
Enjoy this season. It will bear fruit whether you can see it now or not. :)
(Gosh, I'm just SO excited you are there having a cultural experience, can you tell? ha ha)

Unknown said...

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9. I love that verse because it reminds me that whatever I find myself doing at the time, God has a purpose for good in it. So don't give up! But also remember, sometimes the "good" we're to be doing pertains to the little everyday things too, not just the big ones. Like spending time with your hubby, taking time to take care of yourself so you don't burn out, etc. Love you!

Roger said...

Hey, Nicole,
I'ts Roger. School starts next Wednesday. I have the band up and running. I've read your blog a few times. Looks liek your have a great time. I remember your worries and fears when you started here. It will pass just take a deep breath and work each day at a time and thing will easier. The school sounds interesting does anyone else have a teaching degree or just you?
Send me your email address and I'll visit more.
PS I got my garages clean this summer and my office is still clean after a week