Saturday, January 30, 2010

Seeking Wisdom...

This Year's Theme: Seek Wisdom

I've been really taking my time getting down my goals/focus for this year: partly because January has been ALL OVER the place, and we'll just be getting into a routine again on Monday, and partly because I really wanted to take time and think it through.

In December I was really really frustrated with some decisions we were faced with. Often it feels like you're choosing between lots of "good" options, and it's maddening! As I prayed over the decision-making process, the word "wisdom" kept coming to mind. Through scripture and prayer, God reminded me that while there are many "good" options, there is only one "best" option: and that can only be discerned with His wisdom. Since I was learning this over the New Year and it has continue to be a theme all this month (we are currently facing some HUGE decisions that are really difficult), I've decided to focus this year on the Pursuit of Wisdom.


Theme Verses - Proverbs 1:2-3, 5, 7

"For attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."


Yearly Focuses
1. Attain Wisdom
a. Listen - WAIT before saying anything
b. Prudence - WAIT before buying anything
c. Discipline - WAIT before eating anything

**These are areas that I will always struggle with (until the Lord changes that part of me!), so I'm committing to just wait before I do them. Hopefully waiting will allow the Lord to challenge and encourage my mind to do what is most wise.

2. Seek Wisdom through being Disciplined
a. Quiet Time
b. Workout
c. Instrument Practice (either guitar or violin)

**These are daily disciplines that I would like to build and keep in my life. I have a hard time with the day-to-day maintaining life things, and am feeling a push to focus on the patience and fortitude that comes with living each day well (instead of pushing towards a big event, then the next big event, etc.) THE GOAL: do each of these 5/7 days every week. I'll be reporting every Saturday on my progress...I have to remind myself that I'm just looking for improvement, not perfection!

3. Personal Goals
a. Read 30 books (seems to be a theme on a lot of the blogs I've been reading, I thought I'd jump on the band wagon. I'm on # 4 & 5 right now!)
b. Run a marathon
c. Set up "life systems" - money, pictures, video editing, communications, birthday cards, recycling, paperwork, addresses, journaling, etc.


MussoorieSteve said...

OH YOU KNOW WE'RE GETTING YOU THAT MARATHON!!!!! And I'll bust your butt if you're not working out 5/7 days a week!!! As for seeking wisdom I have this GREAT book for you it's called: "The Dummies Guide to Wisdom"!! I read it everyday and look how much plethora of wisdom I have!! Like plethora times a billion!!;) AND that can be one of your 30 books, so really that's like killing 6 birds with one stone right there, not that your goal should be killing birds, I mean that's not right!! Why are you so hurtful to birds, we're not friends anymore.....

Rachel Farley said...

Hugs sister

Cadillac again in 2010 said...

These are HUGE goals...need any suggestions for your 30 books to read? For wisdom, read Proverbs; since today is the 1st, read Proverbs 1. Isn't it fun that there are so many good books to read? An oldie goldie is "Two From Galilee". CS Lewis wrote some great stuff. So has Max Lucado. I'll cheer you on at your marathon!!!

STEPHANIE. said...

hummmm...i like this! I enjoy the WAIT theme...and look forward to hearing more about your "life systems." YOu Inspire me. :)