Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Praises, Tears and Fears

PRAISES: I'm finally healthy! I've been out as long as I've not blogged...a LONG time, but I'm back, and feel very normal. God is really good, and I'm back to "regular" life.


TEARS: Unfortunately, I'm back just in time for life to stop being regular. I've got the rest of this week at school, then one day and finals and school's DONE. I really can't believe how emotional I've been this week. Yesterday one of my very favorite students gave me the book "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss.

He had everyone write in it, and gave me a picture of him and I taken at All-State. I guess because he initiated it and all the students I love had written in it...I sat in our store room reading the notes and just bawled like a baby for a full 30 minutes. I really didn't know it would be this hard!

I did have a moment of giddiness today when I isolated my thoughts and pictured living in the Himalayan Mountains, surrounded by that extreme beauty. I need to remember that as I'm working through these intense emotions, I also need to embrace the future.

So here ya go...this is my favorite quote from the book, and is a great reminder of the adventure God has just handed us.

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!
So...be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
You're off to Great Places! Today is your day!"
Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!


FEARS: And finally, Matthew, Amy and I are going SKYDIVING this Saturday! It's official...the deposit is in, and it's happening. I want to vomit a little as I write that, but ultimately I'm PUMPED!


The Paine Family said...

Wowzers! So much going on. I LOVE that book, how sweet of your students. Glad you are feeling better. I've never been sky diving but Jason said it was just like being in a wind tunnel- didn't feel like he was falling. I'm sure I'd pee my pants! Have fun!

Kelli B said...

My sister is sky diving this saturday TOO! wild. You guys have fun!

I think if we lived closer, we'd buy your house :) it's BEAUTIFUL!

Love you nicole. Love your heart!