Thursday, July 08, 2010

Book #10: The Alchemist

**So, we're back from our travels! I'm in the process of editing pictures and organizing my thoughts, so I thought I'd do the "easy posts" and do a quick review of the books finished over the past couple of weeks. Lots of train/hotel time = LOTS of reading! Sorry if these get old - I'm mostly doing it for my sake/posterity. :)

The Alchemist
by Paolo Coelho

This is a short, easy read about "following your dreams". The story begins with Santiago, a teenager who has left his home to become a shepherd so he can travel and see the world. However, he soon learns all he can about sheep-herding, and realizes that he has a different dream. Over the course of many trials, set-backs and frustrations, Santiago finds his dream (or "treasure") by following the omens and signs. Quoting a summary from, "The universal point this story makes is that everyone has a special destiny, and yet not everyone resolves to attain it because it takes hard work. Reaching one's destiny requires leaving behind familiar surroundings. It also demands persistence and the ability to change when appropriate."

I really liked this book - I don't necessarily believe in following "omens and signs", but it does encourage the reader to really think about his/her destiny. We are each gifted with a specific set of skills and talents, and if we have the courage and tenacity, have an individual destiny to fulfill.

1 comment:

Maria Lovin said...

I am in a book club that just read this book too Nicole! It was a good read :)