Our MANY plates...we ended up having about 33 people over at our house! We made a BIG mess, but had SO MUCH FUN!
Chris was the best husband in the world, and helped all day. He even figured out how to make gravy...and it was really good!
These are two of my favorite kids...Lily and Ella Endo. They made some SWEET origami, and gave it to me as a Christmas present! Two bracelets, 4 picture frames, a sweet "thing" (Lily's holding...don't know what it is, but it's SO COOL!). They're just adorable. And, they're from Minnesota, so we'll be able to see them back in the states when we all move back!
Since there were so many kids coming (we ended up having 5, but there was a possibility of 8), I printed out some Thanksgiving "connect-the-dots" and coloring sheets. We had a GREAT time coloring turkeys and pilgrims together!
The other craft was that we all got to make Pilgrim Hats! We used to do this when we were kids, and I thought it'd be a fun tradition to bring to India. Some of the adults got into it...and the kids made the rest of the adults get into it. :) Fun times had by all!
In all, it was a GREAT time. We had a great time with friends, ate great comfort-foods, and shared conversation and laughs. Thank you ALL, for being our India Family.
The other thing that came out of this Thanksgiving weekend was that I was forced to cook. And, since nothing is easy here, I was forced to cook from scratch. BIG NEWS: I LIKED IT! It was actually really fun, and I came up with some great recipes that I'll use many times in the future. I started a cooking blog...primarily for my benefit, so I can organize the recipes that I've tried and liked. If you want some recipes that EVEN I can make, that blog address is... http://farleyfood.blogspot.com/. Bon appetit!