Sunday, October 25, 2009

Things Are Heatin' Up In Here!

Heat is something that we take for granted in the United States, but NO LONGER, people! I've designated myself "official knowledge imparter of the worldwide norm of non-heated houses". America is ABNORMAL! Lately, Chris and I have been reminiscing about those distant memories of central heaters. "Remember that there's actually such a thing as central heat?" "Remember when we would wake up to a house that was WARMER than it is outside?" And the most unbelievable..."Remember when our heater would turn on...ALL BY ITSELF at 5:45?" Seems like a miracle! Ahh, the days!

We've got four ways to keep ourselves from entering a perpetual hypothermic state once the real cold hits...I thought I would share them with you to ease your minds!

Our bakari...does wonders, but since it's illegal to collect wood or cut down trees in India, we're still not sure what we'll burn! Paper doesn't last long. :P

Our blow heater! We'll move this between the bedroom and living room.

Our little bathroom blower, but the bathroom's small so it's JUST RIGHT!

Our beloved electric blanket, how we love thee! Since Rachel and Yvonne came, we can now heat up BOTH sides at the same time! I'm telling you, it's the little joys in life. :)


We'll be using LOTS of sweatshirts, sweaters, and long-underwear for the next few months. Someone said that in a few weeks they'll put on the thermals, and they won't come off 'til end of March. Chris definitely doesn't love the cold, and while I would rather be cold than hot, I'm not sure about CONTINUALLY cold, with few ways of heating up.

Basically, this post is to let all you faithful blog readers know that my posts may be less interesting over the next few months, since I'll be spending every free moment under my electric blanket trying not to shiver to death. :)


Amy LaVonne said...

So funny... when you come for Christmas we can cuddle and I'll warm you enough to last for 3 months ok??? Did Chris bring his khaki's will flannel lining?? He might want those too!

Maria Lovin said...

Bbbbbrrrrr!!!!! I'm in Mexico and it's chilly here too, the house doesn't have heat so I'm always using my laptop under my blanket to keep me warm!!!

Mike Farley said...

Wow, sounds... ah, rustic. I am sure you will make it through the long winter, hey isn't that a Laura Ingles Wilder book? Anyway as your unofficial safety office remember those heaters are serious fire risks, please tell me you have smoke detectors in India?

Anonymous said...

Oh - the privledges of the US - stuff we totally take for granted. It's a great wake up call. I'm glad you get a break for a few weeks. So glad we get to see you. Love you! Mom