Sunday, October 25, 2009

A God of BIG Things

I've been trying to use this blog to keep me in the present, focusing on all the little things in life that really make daily life beautiful. The other day, God gave me a gift. He let me remember that He's also a God of the BIG things.

I substitute taught for a friend at Sunday School this last Sunday up on top of the hill that the school is located on (it's called the Chakkar). I haven't been up there since monsoon season was really over, but the snows (snow-capped peaks) were out in all their brilliance! I walked home SO SLOWLY, and just looked...I looked at the huge snow covered mountains standing protectively over all the people living in their shadow, the towering trees that went so far below me down the cud and still stood above me 50 or 60 feet. And then, I looked down and saw the thousands of pine needles, the hundreds of pebbles, all the crawling insects. God is a BIG God...and also a God over the Little Things.

These are pictures that were taken by friends of ours here at Woodstock (I got them off their blog, definitely not claiming them as mine! I think they're SO beautiful...). I haven't gotten many pictures of the peaks yet, though, and wanted to post some so you can see where we live. I felt SO peaceful after my walk, like my inner self understands its place in God's world. It was a beautiful day, and we live in a beautiful place.


Amy LaVonne said...


AmberNDahl said...

I've been reading the past few have a way with words Nicole! Love reading about your perspective of life and God! So encouraging! God bless my friend!

Mike Farley said...

Awesome! God is good and I am so glad you see him so clearly in India.