Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Colors of India

I typed in "Colors of India" to get inspiration for my official "India background", and this is what came up. I'm so excited...


Erika said...

Nicole, I LOVE the new background and your pictures!!! I can't wait to hear about all of your India adventures...you're inspiring me to go after my dreams and accomplish some more goals!

Joanna Kay said...

Bright, beautiful, bold colors.... You are going to "fit in" India's color schemes so well!!

Love you sister!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I agree - you will fit right in..in this bold, dramatic culture. You are so brave and courageous. I am proud of you! Love ya, Yvonne

Kelli B said...

hey nicole -


My friend called yesterday and asked about the car again - so any info you can give me, send me the flier, would be really helpful!

Let me know if it's still available....THANK YOU!