Monday, June 15, 2009

I can pack WHAT?!

We decided to officially start packing this weekend, so we're off and running! We have to pack for India first so we don't accidentally pack something away that we want to take with us. We are restricted to 2 carry-ons, each one can be 50 pounds and 62 linear inches. If you're wondering, that's approximately...


Pathetic story of the week: Chris and I found these tupperware containers for $15 each, and were SO excited! We just walked up and down Wal-Mart exclaiming our excitement...we even had one lady comment, "that's when you know you're an adult, when you get that excited about tupperware!" I know, pathetic. BUT, in our defense: they're 1/2 inch off our target size, and were $80 cheaper than the ones we thought wew ere going to have to get! WAHOO!

Now the rough part is actually getting things into them! I spent all day today packing, and thought I'd share my favorite moment.

This is Chris's reaction when he realized how much he was going to have to downsize in the tool department. He's holding his entire India tool supply in his hand. :) I spent a good half hour giggling about it!

A quick prayer request: we got a written offer/earnest money on our house today! However, they're very verbal about the fact that it might be difficult for them to get financing due to some employment/past issues. So, we're just asking that people would pray for a great opportunity to come up that would meet both our needs. Either way, we're seeing how faithful God is. :)


Anonymous said...

Haha, That's a great Chris moment. Keep up packing away!

Rachel Farley said...

Love it, not the fact that you are moving or that you can hardly take anything with- the post is what I love :D