Monday, May 25, 2009

I feel SO blessed

This weekend was a beautiful example of how great things are when God is present in your life. It was a GREAT weekend filled with adventure, fun, communication, tears, and family love. I truly feel SO blessed.

The weekend started with a family sky-diving excursion! Because I've been sick we weren't sure it would work out, but it did and Friday night at 5:00 the siblings and I went falling from the sky. It was pretty nerve wracking until Matthew made it safely to the ground...after that, no nerves at all! Here are some of my favorite pics.

Then we had a GREAT weekend with the Farley's. Chris' brother Mike flew in from Kentucky, and his aunts Pam and Muriel flew in from Virginia to spend the weekend together. We all knew it was the last time we'd all be together for a long time (minus Mike's wife Lianne...SAD!), so every fun moment felt a little pre-nostalgic. Saturday the boys went golfing while the girls went shopping, then we had a GREAT Italian meal together, and came back/ate homemade ice cream/set up blogs for Chris' family. Great, great day!

Sunday we spent the day on a boat...grilled, laid out, just relaxed and had fun. It was a GREAT day. And then that night it was time to say good-bye to my brother and sister! Matthew and Amy are spending the summer in Florida at a summer training program, and unfortunately will be gone until after Chris and I leave for India! So, this was good-bye for a long time. LOTS of tears, a beautiful prayer time, and hugs galore. It was a great good-bye...very sad.

And today we slept in, played darts, and came home to SHOW OUR HOUSE! We had a showing at 3:30 and another at 5:30, and both are really interested! I'm realizing that I really struggle to trust God to take care of these types of things...selling our house, selling our cars, taking care of the details that are out of my control (which, of course are the things that need faith!). I'm asking Holy Spirit to grow my faith right now...kind of uncomfortable!

So basically, I love my families. God is good. And, I'm getting excited for India!

P.S. Today Yvonne told us she had decided to fly Chris and I home for Christmas! THANK YOU YVONNE! We wouldn't have been able to afford it, and it feels so much easier to say good-bye for 6 months, rather than 13. YAY!


Rachel Farley said...

Fun! I feel so blessed too. Praying for you guys to sell everything easily. Love you girl!

Rebekah said...

congrats on the amazing was that??!!
You and your siblings are too darn cute! What an adorable family..
And the Farley boys...They are so sweet, ya got to love em'

The Paine Family said...

YOU DID IT!!! YAY! Check that one off the list! What a great weekend, it helps to do the goodbyes in phases. When do you leave?