Saturday, May 23, 2009


It's official. WE WENT SKYDIVING! It ended up that the weather was perfect Friday night (and looked questionable for Saturday morning). SO, we switched the day at noon on Friday, I left school the SECOND the bell rang, and by 4:30 we were watching the "death video" and signing our lives away. It was pretty sweet!

Matthew went first, then Amy, then me (so Chris could make it in time from work to see me), and surprisingly none of us felt nervous at all! And thankfully, we all made it through alive. :)

The internet here is pretty slow (we're at Chris' parent's house), so pictures/video to come. But just in case you were wondering, I'm not dead.

1 comment:

Rachel Farley said...

I'm glad your not dead, that would be really really super sad. I think I would still go in June even if you did well you know ;) Love you so much!