Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Same-Sex Marriage Debate...WOW!

I’m still in shock that this is even happening. First of all, I want to say that I’ve struggled with the issue of homosexuality ever since I met (and grew to love!) people that identify themselves as homosexual. I’ve never struggled about whether it’s right or wrong, just…struggled. I guess I can see things from their point of view. That being said, I have wrestled with God, and have come to the understanding that it is not godly and is merely a product of our sinful world/culture/selves. I can safely say that it’s now a conviction, not just simply an opinion I swallowed at Sunday School.

SO, if you have come to the same conviction as me, let’s fight. Here’s some info.

  1. The Iowa Marriage Amendment is STILL “passable”, and is also known as HJR6.
  2. HJR 6 is the first step in giving Iowans the chance to vote to protect marriage, in response to the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling.
  3. In order to debate HJR 6, the House must force it out of committee with a procedural vote
  4. We need 8 more votes to allow the procedural vote to pass, and these are names of representatives that are “on the fence”.

Representative Brian, 515.242.6436 (desk),

Home Address: 1011 Sunset St., New Hampton , IA , 50659

Representative Mike, 515.281.3238 (desk),

Home Address: 702 New York Avenue , Creston , IA , 50801

Representative Kurt, 515.242.6417 (desk), 641.208.6330 (cell)

Home Address: 504 North Davis, Bloomfield , IA , 52537

Representative Larry, 515.242.6442 (desk), 319.430.0294 (cell)

Home Address: 1741 Riverside Road , Riverside , IA , 52327

Representative Kerry, 515.281.7342 (desk), 319.215.8685 (cell)

Home Address: 150 Hawthorne Ave. , Waterloo , IA , 50702

Representative Wayne, 515.281.4061 (desk), 515.271.0605 (home)

Home Address: 3301 Cottage Grove Ave , Des Moines , IA 50311-3709

Representative Nathan, 515.281.7332 (desk), 563.571.5242 (cell)

Home Address: 1155 Iowa Avenue , Muscatine , IA , 52761

Representative Paul, 515.281.7325 (desk),

Home Address: 3018 Avenue M, Council Bluffs , IA , 51501

Representative Phyllis, 515.281.7336 (desk), 563.508.1773 (cell) Home Address: 2343 Hawthorne Court , Bettendorf , IA , 52722

I have e-mailed and sent a hand-written letter to each of these “on-the-fencers”….let’s all do our part! Here’s the letter I sent, maybe it’ll give you some ideas…

Dear Representative ___________,

I sincerely apologize for writing you at home, but I believe the issues at hand justify such action. Please provide a voice to Iowans who oppose the Same-Sex Marriage ruling, and vote to bring HJR 6 out of committee. I am 25 years old, and would appreciate the chance to express my opinion about the world in which my children will grow up.

Sincerely, a concerned citizen

The other person we should “bug” is Senate Majority Leader, Mike Gronstal. This guy is STUBBORN, and has said he won’t even allow the gay marriage law to even be debated in the senate. (the same thing happened in California, but the people made themselves heard and GOT RESULTS!). Let’s all give Mike a call, shall we?! Office #: 515-281-4610

I want to be very clear that I have many friends that live a homosexual lifestyle, and I love them dearly. However, the Bible is very clear that these actions are not godly, and it’s scary to think about the level to which these sins have infiltrated our culture, and become “the norm”. In reality, it’s no different than pornography or sexual promiscuity, or even LYING or CHEATING. We all sin, and we have to fight every day to make sure these sins don’t become mainstream in our lives. Let’s not let this one become mainstream in our culture.

**This information was viewed at the Iowa Family Policy Center’s website

1 comment:

Erik and Laura Ouimette said...

You have no idea how happy this post made me, as I completely identified with it. This issue was going through my mind and heart last night and I couldn't sleep. I know the Lord is calling me into action about this. I even had to get up at 1 am to scrawl out some thoughts in my journal in hopes of putting my mind to rest so I could get some zzzzz' coming soon to my blog! :-)