Monday, January 24, 2011

Our complicated life

So, today I'm sick. :(  I came down with the flu yesterday, and swear that my tonsils are touching right now - they're so swollen!  But, despite being relegated to my bed because I'm too weak to stand for more than a couple of minutes, I'm already really enjoying the time off from life.  We've had a lot going on lately, and it seems like a good day to "just process". 

Still Transitioning...
Yesterday Chris made the comment that he feels like he's been "ruined" for life here in the U.S.  There are definitely many moments that I agree.  Life here is so completely incompatible with everything we saw during our year in India.  And the most frustrating part is that we don't know what we can do to help the transition along.  Grr!

Back and forth, back and forth, but we've finally decided to take (and stick with!) the Perspectives Class offered through Cornerstone.  It's an intense study of God's Mission heart, and how he has ALWAYS (even in O.T.) been a God with a heart for the nations.  We've only been there one time, but met some really great people that are living for the nations from right here in Ames. :)  

Professional Development...
This year I'm up for license renewal - which means that I NEED some serious credits!  In Iowa you need 6 Continuing Education Credits before you can renew, so I'm finally getting after it...and it's exciting!  I like that I have to take classes.  They're so expensive that I know there would always be a reason to put it off...but I can't anymore!  Big question right now: should I just get some certifications (Work toward Kodaly Certification through Drake), or should I start a master's degree?  Both are basically a 3-summer commitment, but the certifications are only 10 days/summer, while the master's degree is about a month.

Foster Care...
We're moving ahead to get our Foster Care certification.  In all honesty though, I have NO idea what this will look like for us.  We're contemplating starting our own family in the somewhat near future, and our home right now has only 2 bedrooms...which would make it impossible to have a baby and a foster child.  There are some other things we're processing, but we're going to get certified and then go from there.  At least then the doors will be open!

Is NOT going so well.  We've had so many expenses since moving back that we literally are living paycheck to paycheck...and neither of us are spending much money on ourselves!  Okay - take that back - I guess I did go visit Matthew in Chile. :)  But other than that, stuff seems to steal our money, and we can't do anything about it.  Hopefully things are almost settled and we'll be able to use our money the way WE want to!

My Job...
I couldn't love my job any more than I do.  I've finally gotten to a good emotional place where I'm able to do the best I can right now, while being able to acknowledge that I could get so much better.  And then, it's just exciting!  It's SO much fun to see a first grader get a concept that I never thought they'd be able to grasp...and then see them do it without any help from me!  And having a kindergarten student tell me in the hall, "Mrs. Farley, I sang Little Bunny Foo Foo for my family last night at supper!" melts my heart.  Not quite sure why, but I'm kind of in love. :)

We decided to settle at Cornerstone Church for now.  We had been going to Grand Avenue Baptist for a while, but in the end decided that Cornerstone would be better for our transitioning period.  The biggest problem: it's HUGE!  Community doesn't happen organically, and we're having to put a lot more effort into making friends at Cornerstone than we did at Grand Avenue.  We're visiting small groups right now though, which helps us to meet people.  Hopefully we'll find one that's a perfect fit and get plugged in fairly quickly!

Dreams (or lack thereof?)...
I've been reading the book "Radical", and spending lots of time reflecting on the statement "to live is Christ and to die is gain."  What does it truly mean to "die to yourself?"  He points out that if we are dead, we have NO dreams, NO aspirations, NO goals.  Being a SERIOUS dreamer, this is a hard pill to swallow, and I'm suddenly aware that maybe my mouth and actions haven't always lined up in devotion to Christ.   Have I bought into the "American Dream" version of Christianity?  Hmmm...

I have a serious confession to make: sometimes I think I am ashamed of Christ.  I can tell that slowly, slowly, I've become less able to make definitive statements out loud.  "Christ is the ONLY way", "This is a sin in God's eyes", things like that.  My heart still believes, but my mouth seems to be rusted shut by our culture's message of tolerance.  And if my mouth doesn't say it, can my heart really believe it?

All about "The Journey"...
And during all this, there have been many moments where it's just gotten to me and I've become seriously stressed out.  Then one day, I remembered my cousin Christine's advice. :)  We were traveling together in Europe, and I found myself getting anxious about utilizing our time to the fullest and seeing everything we could.  I expected that I wouldn't come back to many of these places, and didn't want to miss a thing.  Having been much more traveled than I at the time, she said "Nicole, it's all about the journey.  Just enjoy it!"  That's always stuck with me, and came back to me a few weeks ago as I was fretting about paying off our debt and becoming financially free to go where God wants.

And so I had to remind myself: there is no "finish line" in this lifetime.  You'll get There when you get There, but until your best, and enjoy the ride! 


Rachel Farley said...

wow girl... this sounds like so much stuff to go though and process

i love you

i think that you are incredible

here is the best response/advice i can give :)

i started out not capitalizing or using punctuation and then i realized it was a bad idea.... but i kept doing it- sorry :)


i so wish that we could identify with you and fully understand what you are going through but, with that said, we are indeed here for you and up for you telling us exactly what you need
i do think that i too would crave to live somewhere else than here if i had lived somewhere so simple
i think we are going to feel that way with moving out of here
we realize that simple is right and then we crave to go back to that life
i also hate living in this country lots of times


i have heard amazing things about this class, i am so excited for you guys- good choice

professional development

i bet you are going to love being back in classes
i think you should start with the certification and other classes and wait on fully getting your masters until you know when you would want to go back

foster care

i would love to know the other things you are processing :)
i think that getting the certification is a great idea and then seeing where that takes you
you guys would be amazing foster parents


take it day by day
loan by loan
don't feel guilty about chilie
give yourself little rewards along the way
we should talk about ways we can save and budget better

your job

i am so happy for you
loving your job is one of the best feelings in the world
you are incredible at what you do
you are changing kids lives
i want to see you in action and i wish you were my music teacher
keep up the good work
i am so so so proud of you


its amazing that you chose to go to a place that may be hard, but that is right- you're amazing
i will really be praying you find a small group and a community


you are a dreamer, and i love that about you
you have taught me to dream more
i want to understand this more and want to chat about it sometime soon
i think you should keep dreaming though :)

i hate feeling ashamed
i think that we have all felt the way you are right now
how can i help encourage/pray for you
jesus loves you :) sorry, i felt like saying something cheesy- this is getting quite long

"the journey"
christine is very right- it is about the journey
we do need to just enjoy it- enjoy life and the season we are in

i love you
lets chat soon
lets talk through this and help each other become the woman that we want to be

you're beautiful
you're inspiring
you're really really smart


blambert said...

Mrs. Farley...Nicole...I don't know what to call you. You were Mrs. Farley when I last saw you, so I suppose you still are :)

I don't know exactly how I found your blog(facebook maybe?) but I am glad I did. I really enjoy seeing how people view life and God and what God is doing in their lives...a lot of the things you talked about in this post.

Many of the things you talked about have run through my mind, have happened, are happening, or may happen someday.

Start off with a few quick things. Perspectives is great. I haven't taken the whole course, but I have been to a couple classes with my friends and they were wonderful. My family has done foster care for a short time, and also adopted. It's wonderful. I am at that point in time where debt is growing and I am not looking forward to it...

On to other things. It is an aspiration of mine to someday go somewhere; I would personally like Africa in the Ethiopia/Kenya area. If it happens or not isn't up to me. If I do go, I can almost guarantee that I would want to stay there as long as I live. I don't know, but you may be asking 'why did God send us there if we were just going to come back?' but perhaps you should ask 'why did He bring us back?' For some reason I am sure. Think about it...

I don't know if churches are doing the Church very well these days. It's a goal of mine to learn all I can about the Church when it started. So I have been reading Acts. And someday I hope to live the Church with all of those around me. I hope and pray that you find what you are looking for.

I struggle with dreams as well, and who I am supposed to be. I don't know what happened to you in India, but from what you said in transitioning it sounded good. You mentioned "dying to yourself." I am curious, is there a difference between yourself in America and yourself in India? I see dying to yourself as forgetting who you THINK you are suppose to be and who you are REALLY suppose to be. The location can change but you, yourself, can still be the same.

Again, I am totally in the same boat as you with being ashamed. Personally I think it goes into fear as well. Afraid of what others are going to think, say, or do. I don't know how to get passed it except have faith the God will do just that, His will, and as Nike says "just do it."

I love thinking of life as a journey and an adventure. Especially the times when you don't know what is coming next. It can be a bit stressful, but the freedom of anything is great, I think.

Anyways, I don't know if anything I said is any good or not, but I felt that I had to say something. Take it for what it is and I hope that it can help in some fashion. Until next time, here's my blog, check it out :)

Ben Lambert

The Paine Family said...

Your post was the highlight of my day! I'm not going to try to out- comment the last two people (wow) but hopefully we can talk more soon. You have a gift for words and introspection. I love the line "my mouth seems to be rusted shut by our culture's message of tolerance" I know what you mean. What is that about? Enjoy the home groups and shoot me an email when we can chat.

Kelli B said...

Perspectives was life-changing for us. I think we had a "heart" for this before, but the class really honed us in biblically and to things happening/needs throughout the world. I hope you love every minute of it!

I'd love to know more about the commitment to get foster-care certified. The info you sent me was informative, but I don't remember if there was a link for classes/certification.

I love you guys!!!

Sonia Johnson said...

Great to see you at the KEI sharing - glad you are having a great year!

If you ever want to get some help from someone on budgeting, I know Chris would be happy to help you. He has a passion for helping people get out of debt, including us. You also might consider something like Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace or Crown Financial's class. We have Dave's Total Money Makeover book if you'd like to read it. Chris also uses a program called You Need a Budget for our budget, and he loves it. He has showed it to several people and helped them get started. It's like the traditional envelop system only on the computer.

About the certification, I would start with just that for graduate credit and begin the Master's program later, for a couple of reasons. Most graduate programs will accept up to a certain number of graduate credits as fulfilling part of their requirement, so these should count for that anyway. Also, if you are not sure where you're going to be in the near future, you may want to wait. Then there is the family question. For me, it didn't make fiscal sense to get a masters because I knew that I would not be teaching with it long enough to make up the expense. If you know, though, that you want to eventually teach at the college level, you will have to have it. You might want to check into UNI's masters program in music and contact Shelley Droe (KEI webmaster) with questions. Her husband is the person in charge of the program. You do some online throughout the year and some there in the summers.

Amanda Seibert said...

i so wish we lived closer so we could catch up! i'm home in indiana now, also TRANSITIONING and trying to figure out what post-India life looks like. guess we're in the same boat. this whole waiting thing is hard & confusing! love your heart for foster care & your continuing passion for the nations/the poor. looking forward to following your journey. :-)