Saturday, December 04, 2010

Concert Cuteness

I had my first elementary Christmas concert on Thursday - and suddenly I LOVE my job.  I really liked my job before, but after seeing how adorable they were and experiencing the adrenaline of a performance, I now love my job.  Thought I'd share some of the cuter moments with you! (I was planning to upload some videos, but they're too big right now...hopefully they'll be coming!)

Kindergarten Concert
 1. Snowpants
2. I'm a Little Green Tree
3. Rudolph Saves the Day!
4. This is Christmastime
5. Reindeer Polka

 1st Grade Concert
1. Jolly Old St. Nicholas
2. Did You Ever See a Reindeer?
3. Repeating Reindeer Patterns
4. It is Time to Celebrate
5. Rudolph the 1st Grade Student

 2nd Grade Concert
1. Christmas Don't Be Late
2. Reindeer Hooves
3. Nutcracker Dance
4. My Christmas List
5. Reindeer Boogie


Amy LaVonne said...

O MY O MY O MY O MY O MY O MY O MY!!! WHY DIDN"T I COME TO THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I can't wait to see the video!

Erika said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! They are sooooo cute!! This picture is making me all the more sad to leave my teaching career for a few years! You are SUCH a good teacher, Nicole!!

Rachel Farley said...

I agree with Amy!!

They are DARLING!!

I NEED to see video of this!

Isn't crazy that we can like our job and then all of the sudden we LOVE it?!! I am the same way. So happy!!

You're amazing and I love you!

STEPHANIE. said...

so sweet! I think I still have my concert pics like this from when I was in grade school. :) How fun to work with those kiddos. :)

Ashley Houck said...

hey Nicole,

Found your blog through Rachel Greene's blogspot. Got you on my google reader now...your kiddos look super cute!

Take Care!
Ashley Houck

Anonymous said...

Hi, i just want to say hello to the community