Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Paperwork is IN!

It's official!  Our foster care paperwork has been sent in and received!  Chris and I definitely have some strong emotions about this process, but we're taking it all in stride pretty well.  We really don't know what we're getting into, and it's always easier to "step out of the boat" when you think you're stepping onto dry land. :) 

We're waiting for fingerprinting to go through, and then will get signed up for a 10-week training class.  We said that we're willing to foster any age, but no sibling groups (due to the fact that we only have 2 bedrooms in our house, and we're in one of them!). 

We've been realizing that we actually know a lot of people involved in foster care, and it's been fun to see how God is raising up a support system for us.  More to come later!

1 comment:

Amy LaVonne said...

SOOOO EXCITED!!!! Yea... can't wait to hear all about everything!! Love you!