Monday, April 05, 2010

Event #7: Making Good Food!

One of the most enjoyable things to do on slow evenings at Woodstock is to cook great food with people that you love...this post is dedicated to memories of fine cuisine and good times with friends. :)

Meal #1: Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is much more difficult here, mostly because it takes a substantial amount of time to prep the food. All fresh produce has to be soaked for 15-20 minutes in potassium fermanganate before they can be eaten. The other reason it's difficult is that the vendors sell them to you RIGHT before they're about to go you'd better eat up fast! We made this meal with Kate and Greg, and had...

Fresh fruit salad (first time eating watermelon since we've been here!)

Fresh lettuce salad (with Greg's homemade vinaigrette dressing!)

Shrimp and mushroom "alfredo" pasta (we don't have the right cheese for an actual alfredo sauce, but it was as good as anything Olive Garden puts out!)

Meal #2: We had a Mexican night! These are virtually non-existent, as there aren't Mexican spices in the bazaar, and the only way you can GET Mexican spices is by bringing them from home. Megan and Jenny offered to share one of their taco packets with us, so we got a bunch of people together and had a Mexican night! It was SERIOUSLY heavenly.

The big event of the evening was making tortillas from scratch!

We filled our homemade tortillas with chicken fajitas. Mmm...

And last but not least, the first lettuce salad of the season...with cut up veggies, hard boiled eggs, AND caesar salad dressing! (also donated from the U.S. stockpile of Megan and Jenny!)

Meal #3: This wasn't so much a meal as an experiment...and I didn't actually participate much. :) HOWEVER, Steve and Kate used our kitchen, so I'm claiming some part in the success of...HOMEMADE BAGELS!!!

This was one of those things that I never knew you could actually make on your own. Huh!

Good times had by all!

1 comment:

MussoorieSteve said...

you have WAY too much free time on your hands!!!