Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Book #2: Stones into Schools

It's been a while since I finished this, but I figured I need a way to keep track of the books I'm reading, or I won't know if I actually reach my 30-books-in-a-year goal! Last year I read "Three Cups of Tea", and in December it's sequel came out..."Stones into Schools".

"Three Cups of Tea" is about Greg Mortenson, and his attempt to summit a ridiculously high peak in Pakistan. He ended up getting hurt and lost, and was taken in and cared for by the people of a remote mountain village. When he asked how he could possibly repay them, they said, "We'd love a school." The story outlines his struggle to fulfill that one promise...and how his humanitarian efforts have snowballed. He is now one of the most respected and sought-after experts on extremist Islam, and is a strong advocate for education (in particular, education for girls).

While "Three Cups of Tea" discussed his work in Pakistan, "Stones into Schools" tells the story of how he and his cohorts of do-gooders find themselves thrust into the world of Afghanistan...and the many, many challenges that accompany that adventure. It's a WONDERFUL book, very challenging, and it's so inspiring to see what one person with uncompromising determination can accomplish.

1 comment:

Bill Kinzie said...

Just read this book several months back. An adult violin student of mine had read it, knew my background and interest in this area, and recommended it to me. Once you live this close to the action, as you are, it's hard to not be interested.