Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Dreams...and WHY?

So, I dream all the time. Sometimes it gets in the way of life...sometimes it seems like I'm never content...sometimes I'm not content...sometimes I forget to love where I am now...sometimes I get really annoyed at people who are so content with where they are...but mostly, I guess I love that I love to dream. Want to know my biggest dream right now? My biggest dream lately is about our close future. In January we're going to an Overseas Teaching Fair. Now, only God knows what's going to happen, but the possibilities are ENDLESS. Tonight I'm working on my cover letter/resume/references. Tomorrow I'll start e-mailing them to administrators in Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, China, Thailand, and on and on and on. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!

I love this quote. "Some people look at things that are and ask, "Why?" Others look at things that have never been and ask, "Why not?"

Here's what I love most, though. God has surrounded me with people that love to ask "Why". For example, Christopher. He's the one that spends hours examining how our house is wired, because (apparently!) it's wired COMPLETELY wrong and we could burn down at any second! (an exaggeration, but close!). He's the one that actually knows that there are 2 Koreas...and one is DEFINITELY better to live in than the other one (knowing me, I'd just say yes and find myself in a communist country!). My best friends ask "Why do you want that?" I say, "Huh...I guess I don't know!" WHY do I want to live overseas? WHY do I want to learn another language? WHY do I teach music to high schoolers? I guess, the WHY is important too.

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